Wednesday 10 July 2013

Article on Norwegian HAS anthology in Morgenbladet: Animal revolution; "Cutlets with feelings"

In the June 14-20 issue of the Norwegian weekly Morgenbladet, there was an article in the "Books" section on the Norwegian Human-Animal Studies anthology Hvem er villest i landet her? Råskap mot dyr og natur i antropocen, menneskets tidsalder [Who is wildest in this country here? Brutality towards animals and nature in the Anthropocene, the age of Man], for which I am one of three editors. The article, written by Nordis Tennes, is entitled "Koteletter with følelser" [Cutlets with feelings], and consists of an interview with my co-editor Ragnhild Sollund. 

Ingress in translation:
Man has no right to assert themselves over other species, according to researchers in a new book. They think an animal protection revolution is needed in order to ensure animal rights.
The caption of the image (front cover) also makes use of the term 'revolution' (though this term is not used in our book):
New book encourages revolution on behalf of animals.

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